Blanche Blacke's
Chakra Healers Training
Detecting and Transforming Negative Energies and Depossession
Reserve your place with a deposit.
Limited Availability $479.00
Trains you how to feel and interpret the various kinds of negative vibrations that can adversely affect the soul-body. Sense your own 'bad vibes' & negative thoughts sent from others, including curses, soul-attachments and entities.
Learn how to release these frequencies for more light, luck, health and well-being. Students will practice on one another with the direction of Blanche Blacke.
(Pre-requisites: Chakra Healing Training Graduation)
Chakra Healers Training Program Includes:
Chakra Healing 101
7 Chakras Power Weekend
Chakra Analysis & Healing
Chakra Analysis Practitioner Training
Completion, Initiation & Graduation
Past-Life Regression
Underlying Cause of Disease
Negative Energy Clearing & Deposssesion
The Chakra Shoppe 5034 N. Lincoln Ave. (773) 271-3054