Blanche Blacke's
Chakra Healers Training

Completion, Initiation and Certification    

Friday night at The Chakra Shoppe. Saturday & Sunday at a serene riverfront location 90 minutes from Chicago easily accessable by car or train.

For more information or to reserve your place with a deposit.

Limited Availability $479.00


Complete your training with Chakra healing sessions. Here we focus on clearing blocks from being seen as a healer and moving forward onto the path as a serious career.

Perform a Chakra Analysis and Healing Session for Blanche. Be initiated as a Certified Chakra Analyst and Energy Healer.

Additional training in all areas, plus receive guidance on how to create your own practice and more.

(Pre-requisites: Chakra Healing Intensives 1 & 2, and 25 documented chakra healing sessions on others.)

To earn a Certification in Chakra Analysis & Healing a student must complete 125 hours:

1. Four-Weekend Training Intensives

2. 10 Documented Self Analysis & Healing Sessions

3. 25 Documented Chakra Analysis & Healing Sessions for Others

4. Successful Chakra Analysis & Healing for Blanche Blacke & Initiation Ceremonies

In order to become a Certified Chakra Analysis and Energy Healer, students must complete the Chakra Healing 101, 7 Chakras Power Weekend, 2 Chakra Healers Training weekends, perform 25 practicum sessions, and finish with the Completion and Initiation weekend.

Chakra Healers Training Program Includes:
Chakra Healing 101
7 Chakras Power Weekend
Chakra Analysis & Healing
Chakra Analysis Practitioner Training
Completion, Initiation & Graduation
Past-Life Regression
Underlying Cause of Disease
Negative Energy Clearing & Deposssesion

   The Chakra Shoppe 5034 N. Lincoln Ave. (773) 271-3054

Blanche Blacke's Chakra Healers Training © 2019 | All Rights Reserved