Chakra Aromatherapy


       Elegant Aromatherapy to Lift Your Spirit

The Chakra Shoppe (TM) products are designed to refresh and enhance the subtle energies of the chakra system and uplift your spirit. These potent and fragrantly beautiful Body Oils, Aura Sprays and Bath Salts enhance your Chakra vibrations and are made of the finest essential oils and natural ingredients.

1st Chakra: Root  Muladhara 
   Wealth - Vitality - Security

When the Root Chakra is balanced, one feels a sense of support and security that allows for the manifestation of physical comforts and the realization of dreams.

The Chakra Shoppe 1st Chakra formula resonates with the rich aromas of the earth. Red blossoms, green herbs and tree essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of Root Chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to the earth’s energy flow and aids us in opening to this support.

 4 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


2nd Chakra: Sacrel Chakra  Svadhisthana 
   Creativity - Sexuality - Desire

 A powerful 2nd Chakra gives you the ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way, moving toward a fulfilling emotional and sexual life. When Sacrel is balanced, our ideas flow freely, we have passion for life experience and joy in connecting with others, sharing harmonious co-creation, friendship and more!

The Chakra Shoppe 2nd Chakra formula resonates with a rich and stimulating citrus musk. Orange, red and yellow blossoms, green herbs and tree essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of Sacrel Chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to sensuality and passion.

4 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


3rd  Chakra: Solar Plexus Manipura 
   Confidence - Power - Purpose

 When Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced and strong, you are enjoying work that feels purposeful and are well compensated for, feeling confident and satisfied. Our "inner Sun" 3rd chakra provides the energy for taking action towards our desires.

The Chakra Shoppe third chakra formula resonates with a fresh revitalizing sunny mint. Yellow and purple blossoms, green herbs and tree essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of third chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to freshness, vibrancy and inner strength.

4 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


4th Chakra: Heart  Anahata
   Love - Harmony - Healing

4th chakra governs the energy of compassion, empathy, healing and love. When heart chakra is balanced and empowered you feel connected, compassionate and loving. The power of love promotes healing of self and others.

The Chakra Shoppe fourth chakra formula resonates with a sweet, euphoric floral bouquet. Pink and yellow blossoms, green leaves and fruit essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of heart chakra. These essences create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to softness and love.

8 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


5th  Chakra:  Vishuddha - Throat Chakra
Voice - Truth - Timing

5th Chakra is located at the throat and is the center of communication, truth and timing. It is the energy of expression into the world with love, expressing your talents and voicing your truth to others. Expressing true self in the moment attracts new and wonderful people and experiences that encourage your spiritual growth and promote your uniqueness.

The Chakra Shoppe fifth chakra formula resonates with a pungent and crisp stimulation. White and light purple blossoms and fruit essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of fifth chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to clarity and truth.

8 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


6th Chakra:  Ajna - Third Eye
Intuition - Charisma - Unity

6th Chakra is located in the square inch of space just above the bridge of the nose. This is the center of inner knowing, imagining and a channel to the all that is. It is the energy of receiving guidance on our path, intuitive strength and higher level compassion. This is the energy that helps us create our future self. When 6th Chakra is balanced we feel a sense of peace and flow and trust that all is well, that all the answers will come to us in right timing.

The Chakra Shoppe sixth chakra formula resonates with a stimulating invigorating herbal aroma. White and light purple blossoms and green herbs vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of sixth chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to present/future time, concentration, imagination and memory.

8 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


Chakra Seven: Sahasrara - Crown Chakra
Spirit - Wisdom - Guidance
Chakra Seven is located at the crown of the head and is the energy center for higher consciousness, enlightenment, faith and wisdom. When 7th chakra is balanced we have faith in the unseen, a deep connection to spirit and a connection to source.

The Chakra Shoppe  seventh chakra formula resonates with a luxurious, comforting and sweet incense. Light purple blossoms, green herbs and tree essences vibrate the naturally balanced frequency of seventh chakra. These essences intend to create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to the bigger picture and a higher power.

4 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


Balance  --  All Chakra Balancing 

The Chakra Shoppe Balance formula resonates with rich floral, citrus and earthy aromas. Multi colored blossoms, green herbs and tree essences vibrate the frequency of a balanced energy field. These essences create a natural enhancement and revitalization by connecting our spirits to balance. 

4 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


Aura Clear  --  Purify & Cleanse 

The Chakra Shoppe Aura Clear formula resonates with a refreshing forest green aroma. Green herbs and tree essences vibrate with a  cleansing frequency. These essences clear the energy field and/or environment of negative or dark energies. 

8 oz  Spray $24.95    

16 oz Bath Salts $19.95  

2 oz Body Oil $19.95 


5034 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL (773) 271-3054 Map It 

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